WeedPAWS.org Forums
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Recovery is very possible! You've got this!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PAWS?

PAWS stands for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It's a combination of random symptoms that begin after feeling better around the first month mark of cannabis cessation. They come and go in waves of feeling better and worse. As time passes, symptoms gradually subside until one day they go away and recovery is achieved to pre-cannabis use state.

How do I know if I have PAWS?

PAWS usually starts around week 3-6 after quitting. Most people will have common withdrawal symptoms during those first weeks after quitting weed and will feel much better when reaching that first month. PAWS will come on suddenly after feeling better.

Cannabis is not addictive! Why do you say I'm having a withdrawal from it?

Per today's medical community, cannabis is considered a non-addictive drug. Not everyone that quits weed gets withdrawals, but some people do. There's a key factor that seems to be ignored, and that is today's weed potency. Today's THC levels are higher that ever, and its widespread use has never been seen before.

How long does PAWS last?

There is no exact length for PAWS. The range is usually from 4-6 months to 3 years in extreme cases. Most people start feeling better around the 6th month mark, but all cases are different and there is no consensus for an exact timeline. If you already seen a doctor, and been declared healthy but still feeling symptoms, you may have PAWS. If you do, hold on, time is your ally, you will recover from this!

Are you saying that Weed is bad?

NO. This page is not about demonizing weed. Like any other drug, many people with health conditions will benefit from medicinal cannabis use, but others may have a different reaction to it. Cannabis use is now widespread like it never has been before, so more data is emerging as more people get exposed to it.

I want this to end! Will using weed again stop it?

If you've come this far, using cannabis again will just reset the counter on your recovery timeline. Abstinence is key to full recovery. This includes any other drugs you may be doing at the moment.

Should I seek counseling or psychological help?

Many successful PAWS recoverers have sought out therapy, counseling, and of course medical advice and tests. Talk with your doctor about how you feel, he will order tests that will confirm if you are healthy and just experiencing PAWS. Remember, not all doctors accept Weed PAWS as a real withdrawal syndrome. 

So I have PAWS, then I don't need to get checked!

Yes you do. We are not saying you actually have an illness. But with each test done, there is one less thing wrong with you, and that will ease your mind on this process. And its the responsible thing to do!

Is there a quick cure to this?

The quick answer is NO. Time is your only real ally in this process. Many successful recoverers have found that supplements, exercise, and a healthy diet may help ease the associated symptoms, but others have reported no real benefit.

I'm currently having some of these symptoms but I'm still using weed!

This doesn't mean you will get PAWS. But this could mean that cannabis is no longer working for you, or maybe you abused it more than you should've. Maybe it's time to quit for good. The best way to quit is with a slow taper like with any other drug. This doesn't guarantee you won't have withdrawal symptoms, specially if you've been using for a long time, but your chances are much lower than quitting cold turkey.

Is any of this info validated by medical professionals?

Nope. This data is the collective effort of people around the world that have suffered and are suffering from PAWS after cannabis cessation and shared their experience until recovery on forums and reddit. This is the page most people would've loved to find on their first weeks of suffering from what today seems to be unknown to many. Join our forum for support on your recovery! And remember, it's always necessary to get checked by medical professionals. You've got this!

I quit weed less than a month ago and I'm having similar symptoms. Do I have PAWS?!

You may still be in the Acute phase of withdrawal. It is still too early to tell if you will progress into the Post-Acute phase or prolonged withdrawal. Give it time, try to stay calm, and if you are not feeling well at all, please get medical advice. It will ease your mind to know you are healthy.

About us - Disclaimer

WeedPAWS.org offers information and support for people suffering from Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome after cannabis use cessation. This page is for educational purposes only and must never be replaced with proper medical advice or treatment. If you suspect you may be having a serious medical emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.
WeedPAWS.org is not responsible for the misuse of information available on this page and the consequences of any nature it may bring. The WeedPAWS.org forum is presented as-is, no guarantees expressed.
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